Early Childhood Psychological Services
Clinical Psychologist Specializing in Early Identification & Early Intervention
Serving Raleigh, Durham & Chapel Hill
Clinical Psychologist Specializing in Early Identification & Early Intervention
Serving Raleigh, Durham & Chapel Hill
Our mission is to support parents in providing a Strong Start for their young children through the provision of high-quality early identification, prevention, and early intervention services. As experts in early childhood mental health, our practice exclusively provides psychological services for young children Birth to Age 6 and their parents/caregivers. You are at the center of your child's development and we put you and your young child first!
Rapid brain development in the youngest years makes early identification of each child's areas of strength and areas of need a critical component to supporting their ongoing growth and development.
Do you have a concern about your young child's development or behavior? Wondering what the first step is for getting them connected to the most appropriate therapy or early intervention services?
We can help!
We offer early identification testing for neurodevelopmental and behavioral health concerns (e.g., developmental delay, challenging behavior, anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), among others) for children Birth- Age 6.
This service provides the most likely explanation or 'why' for your child's behaviors and concerns while highlighting your child's strengths. Understanding the 'why' of behavior is necessary for ensuring that your child is connected to the most appropriate supports and therapies. It optimizes your child's potential to benefit from the services and provides them with a strong start.
Has a pediatrician or daycare/preschool provider recommended that you have your child complete autism testing or testing for other early childhood concerns? Have you read about autism and wondered if it could describe your child's behaviors?
We can help!
We offer comprehensive early identification testing for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) for young children Ages 2-6 within our Comprehensive Developmental & Psychological Testing service.
This service specifically assesses for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) while also "ruling-in" and "ruling-out" other concerns to best inform a comprehensive care plan for your child that provides them with a strong start.
Wondering if your child is ready for preschool? Not sure what type of school placement may be a good fit for your child? Interested in having an objective measurement of your child's IQ or "thinking skills" and early achievement to help you make these decisions that will support your child's early and future academic success?
We can help!
We offer psychoeducational testing for young children ages 3-6 for the early identification of a child's cognitive and academic strengths and areas for growth for school readiness and school placement planning.
Is your 4-year-old very advanced in development? Do you think they may be eligible for early entry to kindergarten in NC? Looking for a Licensed Psychologist to complete the standardized testing that the school district requires as part of the application process?
We can help!
We offer Early Kindergarten Entry Testing for the early identification of superior cognitive skills and early academic achievement. This is the testing used by school districts in NC to determine whether your child may qualify for early entry to kindergarten.
You are at the center of your child's development. Your use of evidence-based behavioral strategies from birth onward can reduce familial stress and support a positive environment in the home.
Would you like to learn specific parenting tools and strategies to help with the common early childhood challenges you are running into in your home?
Would you like to learn tools and strategies you can use to parent your child before what started as occasional difficulties turn into daily occurrences?
We can help!
We offer Parenting Workshops to support parents in preventing and intervening early in navigating their child's behavior. We specialize in empowering positive parenting through the provision of evidence-based tools, resources, and support.
Do you have a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or with medical complexity? Are you looking for other parents with shared experiences to give and receive support?
We can help!
We offer a safe space for parents with shared experiences to gather and learn and grow with each other, supporting them as they support their children.
Strong Start Psychological Services, PLLC
2310 S. Miami Blvd., Suite 135, Durham, NC 27703
P: 919-608-4483 F: 919-294-6534
Copyright © 2023 Strong Start Psychological Services, PLLC - All Rights Reserved.